Always use "zip -r ..." to re-pack SOGo integrator. After I had modified the
extension I had not re-packed it correctly. Files were missing and therefore
the extension did not work properly.

In my case the plugin would not work after I had reinstalled it. I had to
uninstall it and all other SOGo related extensions, empty all SOGo related
configuration settings in Thunderbirds preferences "about:config" (searched
for "sogo" and "inverse") and then install them again. Your mileage may vary...

Now everything seems to work.

Thanks a lot Ludovic!


* Ludovic Marcotte <>:
> <p>
>       I do not have this issue at all.</p>
> <p>
>       Could you perhaps try with the English version of Thunderbird?<br />
>       <br />
>       Regards,</p>
> <p>
>       On Tuesday, August 10, 2010 15:21 EDT, Patrick Ben Koetter 
> &lt;; wrote:<br />
>       &nbsp;</p>
> <blockquote cite="" type="cite">
>       Ludovic,<br />
>       <br />
>       is this a bug or is this me doing something wrong?<br />
>       <br />
>       p...@rick<br />
>       <br />
>       <br />
>       * Patrick Ben Koetter <>:<br />
>       &gt; * Martin Rabl <>:<br />
>       &gt; &gt; Today, I tested the newest/latest plugins (all three) with a 
> fresh installed Thunderbird 3.1 (virgin Windows7, virgin TB).<br />
>       &gt; &gt;<br />
>       &gt; &gt; The first calendar entry was put via web interface into the 
> personal<br />
>       &gt; &gt; calendar - this one was editable with Thunderbird, as long as 
> I created a<br />
>       &gt; &gt; new event in Thunderbird ... since then Thunderbird 
> didn&#39;t show me the<br />
>       &gt; &gt; edit-window again. The events are only changeable with the 
> web interface,<br />
>       &gt; &gt; not with TB.<br />
>       &gt;<br />
>       &gt; In the meantime I have setup a VM running a vanilla Windows XP and 
> a vanilla<br />
>       &gt; TB 3.1.2 to exclude all side-effects I can think of. I fetched the 
> nightlies<br />
>       &gt; from August 8, edited the updateURL in extensions.rdf and 
> installed all<br />
>       &gt; add-ons.<br />
>       &gt;<br />
>       &gt; TB starts, connects and shows the calendar. I can add an event, 
> but I can&#39;t<br />
>       &gt; reopen it once it has been saved. Again, opening the event in the 
> WUI is no<br />
>       &gt; problem.<br />
>       &gt;<br />
>       &gt; The TB error console says:<br />
>       &gt;<br />
>       &gt; Warnung: Overlay konnte nicht von 
> chrome://sogo-integrator/content/messenger/startup-overlay.xul geladen 
> werden.<br />
>       &gt; Quelldatei: chrome://messenger/content/messenger.xul<br />
>       &gt; Zeile: 0<br />
>       &gt; Warnung: Overlay konnte nicht von 
> chrome://sogo-integrator/content/calendar/calendar-overlay.xul geladen 
> werden.<br />
>       &gt; Quelldatei: chrome://messenger/content/messenger.xul<br />
>       &gt; Zeile: 0<br />
>       &gt; Warnung: Overlay konnte nicht von 
> chrome://sogo-integrator/content/calendar/calendars-list-overlay.xul geladen 
> werden.<br />
>       &gt; Quelldatei: chrome://messenger/content/messenger.xul<br />
>       &gt; Zeile: 0<br />
>       &gt; Warnung: Overlay konnte nicht von 
> chrome://sogo-integrator/content/calendar/calendar-common-sets.xul geladen 
> werden.<br />
>       &gt; Quelldatei: chrome://messenger/content/messenger.xul<br />
>       &gt; Zeile: 0<br />
>       &gt;<br />
>       &gt; This translates to:<br />
>       &gt;<br />
>       &gt; Warning: Could not load overlay from ...<br />
>       &gt; Source: ...<br />
>       &gt; Line: 0<br />
>       &gt;<br />
>       &gt;<br />
>       &gt; Sorry to pester you Inverse folks with this, but at the moment 
> this bug is a<br />
>       &gt; show stopper. Is there anything else I can do to help fix this?<br 
> />
>       &gt;<br />
>       &gt; p...@rick<br />
>       &gt;<br />
>       &gt; --<br />
>       &gt; state of mind<br />
>       &gt; Digitale Kommunikation<br />
>       &gt;<br />
>       &gt;<br />
>       &gt;<br />
>       &gt; Franziskanerstra&szlig;e 15 Telefon +49 89 3090 4664<br />
>       &gt; 81669 M&uuml;nchen Telefax +49 89 3090 4666<br />
>       &gt;<br />
>       &gt; Amtsgericht M&uuml;nchen Partnerschaftsregister PR 563<br />
>       &gt;<br />
>       <br />
>       <br />
>       &gt; --<br />
>       &gt;<br />
>       &gt;<br />
>       <br />
>       <br />
>       --<br />
>       state of mind<br />
>       Digitale Kommunikation<br />
>       <br />
><br />
>       <br />
>       Franziskanerstra&szlig;e 15 Telefon +49 89 3090 4664<br />
>       81669 M&uuml;nchen Telefax +49 89 3090 4666<br />
>       <br />
>       Amtsgericht M&uuml;nchen Partnerschaftsregister PR 
> 563</></><br />
>       &nbsp;</blockquote>
> <br />
> <br />
> <br />
> <p>
>       --</p>
> <p>
>       Ludovic Marcotte<br />
>; ::&nbsp; +1.514.755.3630&nbsp; ::&nbsp; 
><br />
>       Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo ( and PacketFence 
> (</p>
> <br />

> -- 

state of mind
Digitale Kommunikation

Franziskanerstraße 15      Telefon +49 89 3090 4664
81669 München              Telefax +49 89 3090 4666

Amtsgericht München        Partnerschaftsregister PR 563

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