Hi Clay.

Thank you for detailed explanation. If possible can you consult regarding the case with Dovecot2 and virtual users?

Thank you.

WBR, Oleksa

11.09.10 20:35, Clay Wright написав(ла):
On 09/11/2010 11:19 AM, Oleksa Stasevych wrote:
Dear all.

Please, explain, how to configure the Auto-reply messages in sogo when I
am on vacations, if possible. So, if somebody is sending me email when I
am on vacations one is immediately receiving an auto-reply answer
informing that I am on vacations.

I tried to manage to do it with sieve, but was unlucky nothing receiving.

I am using Postfix+Dovecot+SOGo 1.3.1

Hello Oleksa. I'll share the steps I used to set this up, this with
Dovecot 1.0.x.

1) Need sieve script support on the mail server.

a) Can be implemented in Dovecot by editing /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf:

protocols = [your others] managesieve

protocol managesieve {
# need plaintext for sieve logins from SOGo on separate server
disable_plaintext_auth = no

# if using in Dovecot
ssl_cert_file = /etc/ssl/certs/cert.pem
ssl_key_file = /etc/ssl/certs/cert.pem

login_executable = /usr/lib/dovecot/managesieve-login
mail_executable = /usr/lib/dovecot/managesieve
hostname = your.mail.server
mail_plugins = cmusieve


b) Adjust Postfix config.

Edit /etc/postfix/main.cf:

# For Dovecot deliver -- sieve support
mailbox_command = /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver

2) Enable vacation support in SOGo.

On the SOGo server, add the following to .GNUstepDefaults:

SOGoVacationEnabled = YES;

Restart SOGo.

3) Notes:
A Vacation tab will be available in the preferences of the users' web

After activating in SOGo, the sieve file (dovecot.sieve) should be in
the user's home directory.

If using SOGo on a separate server from the mail server, you'll need a
nightly build so you can use the new config option for specifying a
remote mail server, like:

SOGoIMAPServer = imaps://your.mail.server:993;


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