
while porting SOGo to OpenBSD I found in the Apache/SOGo.conf file the lines:

ProxyPassInterpolateEnv On
ProxyPass /SOGo interpolate

I am wondering what features of SOGo needs the ProxyPassInterpolateEnv On and 
the interpolate statement in the ProxyPass directive.
I am adding a README file for the differences to running SOGo on OpenBSD 
compared to Linux. I got a patch to the httpd in, which adds the RequestHeader 
directive to the mod_headers module. The httpd distributed with OpenBSD system 
is a heavily patched Apache 1.3. The only thing that now is left is this 
It works fine for me with the httpd in base, I did not ran into any problems 
yet, just want to know what might not work when the httpd doesn't support this 
directive, to be able to add a statement about it to the README file, and to 
recommend to install Apache2 in case people will need that feature.


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