So... When I move my SOGoIMAPServer declaration outside of the domain 
declaration, I regain my IMAP account within SOGo.

If the documentation says the IMAPServer is a domain level preference, why 
would putting that preference within a domain declaration break it? Have I 
found a bug?

I'm running my SOGo server as a stand alone server and was trying to set things 
up so that the domains that I administer (may be mail hosted on another of my 
servers, or on 1and1, etc.) can come to one place (based on their domain) on my 
server to access their mail/calendars/contacts...


On Nov 10, 2010, at 3:35 PM, Jeff Folk wrote:

> Hello;
> I have been playing around with SOGo and like it very much. I originally set 
> my installation up using LDAP authentication, and had things working just 
> right, even Cal/Card DAV sync with our Macs and iPhones...
> Well, I want to be able to handle multiple domains, and figured that sql auth 
> would be much easier to administer (since I couldn't figure out how to add 
> the second domain to my LDAP server). I created a postgresql database and 
> view for authentication of my first domain with the following fields:
>       Field name      Type            Array?  Allow nulls?   
>       c_uid           varchar(20)     No      No
>       c_name          varchar(20)     No      Yes
>       c_password      varchar(20)     No      Yes
>       c_cn            varchar(50)     No      Yes
>       mail            varchar(100)    No      Yes
> I can authenticate into SOGo with any of the three users defined in the 
> database, calendar data and contact data is still there, but in the mail 
> section the IMAP account has been set to localhost (not editable) instead of 
> the SOGoIMAPServer defined in the defaults file. What have I done wrong in my 
> UserSources??
> My defaults config:
> {
>       NSGlobalDomain = {
>       };
>       sogod = {
>               SOGoProfileURL = 
> "postgresql://sogo:s...@localhost:5432/sogo/sogo_user_profile";
>               OCSFolderInfoURL = 
> "postgresql://sogo:s...@localhost:5432/sogo/sogo_folder_info";
>               SOGoACLsSendEMailNotifications = YES;
>               WOWorkersCount = 3;
>               SOGoMailingMechanism = smtp;
>               SOGoSMTPServer =;
>               SOGoMailAuxiliaryUserAccountsEnabled = YES;
>               domains = {
>              = {
>                               SOGoMailDomain =;
>                               SOGoFoldersSendEMailNotifications = YES;
>                               SOGoAppointmentSendEMailNotifications = YES;
>                               SOGoSentFolderName = Sent;
>                               SOGoTrashFolderName = Trash;
>                               SOGoDraftsFolderName = Drafts;
>                               SOGoIMAPServer = imaps://;
>                               SOGoLanguage = English;
>                               SOGoTimeZone = America/Chicago;
>                               SOGoUserSources = (
>                                       {
>                                       type = sql;
>                                       id = directory;
>                                       viewURL = 
> "postgresql://sogo:s...@";
>                                       canAuthenticate = YES;
>                                       isAddressbook = NO;
>                                       userPasswordAlgorithm = none;
>                                       }
>                               );
>                       };
>               };
>       };
> }-- 


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