Hi Pascal,
We also faced this issue of having no cookie set prior authentication and simply solved it with mod_headers this way: Header add Set-Cookie "SOGOID=.%{BALANCER_WORKER_ROUTE}e; path=/" env=BALANCER_ROUTE_CHANGED
ProxyPass /balancer-manager !
ProxyPass / balancer://sogocluster/ stickysession=SOGOID
<Proxy balancer://sogocluster>
BalancerMember http://vmsogo1.univ-rennes1.fr/ route=vmsogo1 timeout=60 loadfactor=100 BalancerMember http://vmsogo2.univ-rennes1.fr/ route=vmsogo2 timeout=60 loadfactor=100
Hope this helps,

Le 10/12/2010 16:05, Pascal Gienger a écrit :
I saw that bug #698 is on the roadmap for 1.3.5, nice.

Another idea for that:

It would be a FINE idea to include a suffix in this cookie  with a unique name 
for that node where sogod runs on. The suffix has to be separated by a dot (and 
no other dot must appear in the cookie):


Set-Cookie: 0xHIGHFLYxSOGo=r5hfjkrblvhjlvrjehjkgfhrkj4kl3hjgb4glbv.node01; 

In that case, you may write in the front end Apache (example from my setup)

<Proxy balancer://sogocluster>
   BalancerMember route=edea
   BalancerMember route=bafoussam
   BalancerMember route=kousseri
   BalancerMember route=limbe

   RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-port" "443"
   RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-name" "sogo.uni-konstanz.de"
   RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-url" "https://sogo.uni-konstanz.de";

   RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-protocol" "HTTP/1.0"
   RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-remote-host" "%{SENDER_IP_ADDRESS}e"

   AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

   ProxySet stickysession=0xHIGHFLYxSOGo        (1)

   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all

The "route" parameter on "BalancerMember" names this particular worker route and the 
cookie's name mentioned with "stickysession=" is used to derive the route where the request has to 
be sent.

AN idea would be to use one of these nifty dictionary variables of "defaults" 
(GNUstepdefaults), something like "defaults write sogod SOGoClusterNodeName bafoussam"   
(as an example).

The user would be on the same machine after login eliminating all kind of 
synchronization issues and you still have a load balanced session. If one node 
breaks the apache uses another route or breaks the session, it is up to you to 
configure it.

(1) In my actual setup I am doing this voodoo magic in my updated sogosession (not yet public) 
apache module with an additional cookie ("uniknsogoroute") with the value 
"worker.${nodename} which is set from inside the module to select the right worker. It 
works nicely here with 4 cluster nodes. So in my config there is in reality

ProxySet stickysession=uniknsogoroute



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