On 1/20/2011 1:00 PM, Brian Kirkman wrote:
On 1/20/2011 12:29 PM, Donny Brooks wrote:

Ok, so after a year of getting our user base ready to switch from Seamonkey web/email clients to strictly SOGo web interface we hit a snag. My supervisor is having a fit over the HTML/text issues with the web interface of SOGo. So this is leading me to have to look into the integrator and such for thunderbird. Here are a few questions:

Can you explain the issues with HTML/text a little more? Maybe someone has some ideas that can bring you back around to the web interface. (Sorry if I missed an earlier thread.)

Basically my supervisor is upset that we will be delivering "less functionality" than currently being used. In a typical email client you compose a message and it is truly WYSIWYG, either text, HTML (colors and such), or both. In the SOGo web interface if you choose "text" as the compose message option you obviously lose the option of colors, fonts, etc because it is just that... text. However the formatting is spot on. If one chooses HTML it opens up the ability to change colors, font, etc but appears "double spaced" when it actually is not. Also with the javascript HTML editor without a firefox plugin to allow javascript access to the clipboard you cannot right click and copy/cut/paste with the mouse. I did find the workaround on that with the plugin though, alas we have some end users that refuse to use anything but IE and I have yet to have found a work around for that as of yet.

So what they want is a "fat client" email client that will do it all similar to outlook. I, on the other hand as the administrator, want it to not affect the size of their roaming profiles by keeping a local copy of mail on their machines that is written with the profile upon login/logout. Either way the web interface will be used for remote viewing.

Is there a way to have thunderbird be a TRUE IMAP client and not keep a local copy of the messages on the local machine? I know about the "keep a local copy of messages" checkbox but that does not seem to do anything as even unchecked it seems to download and keep a copy of the messages locally.

What do I need to install? I am thoroughly confused about the Integrator/Connector/Lightning stuff as I have mostly overlooked it since I thought we were going to go straight web interface.

In short, you should install all three on each client. The Integrator takes care of all the administration, i.e. permissions, ACL control, etc. The great thing about the Integrator is that when customized, it is the only extension that needs to be deployed to each Thunderbird client. The Integrator will then deploy Connector and Lighting automatically from the SOGo server if you as the admin choose to set it up that way. You can then push any updates through it as well. Obviously Lightning adds calendar functionality to Thunderbird. The Connector takes care of synchronizing calendar and contact data with the SOGo server. Take a look at the documentation. Once you understand the basic setup, it will make sense.


That makes more sense now. Basically I install/configure the integrator and it does the rest. This should give them similar functionality to having outlook clients correct? Just without the bloatware that is outlook :)

I have read the descriptions but am not clear on which one does what we would need. I want the same functionality of the web interface, minus the HTML/text email composition issues, but in the thunderbird client. We need all email, calendar, contacts, etc in the client.

Any guidance is welcome.


Donny B.



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