On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 01:30:29PM -0500, Francis Lachapelle wrote:
> === Changes from the previous release ===
> Enhancements
>  * the new parameter SearchFieldNames allows to specify which LDAP fields to 
> query when filtering contacts

I'm having problems getting this working. I have configured it with:

        defaults write sogod SearchFieldNames '("mail", "cn")'

and also have:

        defaults write sogod SOGoLDAPQueryLimit 100
        defaults write sogod SOGoLDAPQueryTimeout 10

On my directory server I see my search as:

        [27/Jan/2011:11:30:08 +0100] conn=6164752 op=1 SRCH 
base="o=isp,o=example,c=com" scope=2 
 attrs="objectClass givenName mail mail title company o displayName 
modifyTimestamp mozillahomestate mozillahomeurl homeurl st region 
mozillacustom2 custom2 mozillahomecountryname description notes department 
departmentNumber ou orgunit mobile cellphone carphone mozillacustom1 custom1 
mozillanickname xmozillanickname mozillaworkurl workurl 
facsimileTelephoneNumber facsimileTelephoneNumber telephoneNumber 
mozillahomestreet mozillasecondemail xmozillasecondemail mozillacustom4 custom4 
nsAIMid nscpaimscreenname street street postOfficeBox homePhone cn cn givenName 
mozillahomepostalcode mozillahomelocalityname mozillaworkstreet2 
mozillausehtmlmail xmozillausehtmlmail mozillahomestreet2 postalCode zip c c 
pager pagerphone mail sn sn mozillacustom3 custom3 l l birthyear serialNumber 
calfburl proxyaddresses uid"

I also tried:

        defaults write sogod SOGoSearchFieldNames '("mail", "cn")'

but same result. (And yes, sogod and memchached was restarted after
"defaults write"). So what am I missing ?


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