On 15.02.2011 14:50, Jakob Lenfers wrote:

> [... sogo-tool]
> This generally works, but throws occasionally errors like those two:
> <0x0x9a4ea50[SOGoCache]> an error occurred when caching value for key
> 'Domain Computers@localhost+attributes': "CLIENT ERROR"
> <0x0xa013ab8[GSCBufferString]> json parser: Object key string expected
> <0x0xa013ab8[GSCBufferString]> original string is: {
>     Calendar = {
>     };
> }
> Do I need to worry? Or is all the data backed up now?

Doesn't anyone have a clue? I'm a bit afraid to migrate all our user
data this way, I'm not sure everything would get copied. :-/


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