Hi Guys,

Using TB 3.1 and SOGo 3.104 Connector and Integrator along with Lightning 1.0b2.104i, with Sogo 3.5 on

Having a real problem here with shared calendars. Basically while I can see them no problem in the web version of sogo, the calendars I'm subscribed to in TB don't show up. My user account is a Sogo admin, we're using MySQL authentication and it seems to work fine. There are no error messages at all here. Not in the logs, not in the TB error console. I'm wondering about one thing though. In the Sogo logs I do see 207 http response codes:

tria - - [01/Mar/2011:16:32:56 GMT] "REPORT /SOGo/dav/u...@mydomain.org/Calendar/C4A714D4-EBC0-0001-53A2-1B617C301118/ HTTP/1.1" 207 125/245 0.019 - - 0

I'm also seeing this happen a lot of these 404s after I deleted my account from the database, recreated my TB profile and reinstalled SOGo plugins:

tria - - [01/Mar/2011:16:37:35 GMT] "REPORT /SOGo/dav/a...@globalchangemusic.org/Contacts/public/ HTTP/1.1" 404 72/339 0.003 - - 0

Can anyone help me out here? I'm kind of going nuts and frustrated with SOGo right now. I think it's a great product, but I can't seem to make it work on TB.



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