Al 28/02/11 09:10, En/na Luca Olivetti ha escrit:
> En/na Luca Olivetti ha escrit:
>> Hello,
>> I'm trying integrator 0.120 for thunderbird 2 (not ready to transition my 
>> users to thunderbird 3 yet), but it doesn't seem to work: It doesn't 
>> automatically show my calendars and it doesn't shows the usual buttons to 
>> add/subscribe to calendars (and, yes, I have edited 
>> chrome/content/sogo-integrator/extensions.rdf to point to my server).
>> Note that, in order to avoid locking up thunderbird (I use SSL), I had to 
>> remove checkExtensionsUpdate(), maybe that's what causes the problem?
> Am I the only one seeing this, or am I the only one still trying to use sogo 
> with thunderbird 2?
> ;-)

FYI: now that I had a bit of time, I deployed thunderbird 3 (crossing fingers,
tomorrow it'll be pushed to my users).
Even under thunderbird 3 in one occasion the integrator didn't show the buttons:
it seems that the buttons are shown only *after* it has connected to the server,
and since I use ssl and the last versions of integrator for tb2 (after 0.99 
locked up thunderbird, commenting out the checkExtensionsUpdate() not
only would avoid the lock up, but it also avoided contacting the server until
the next refresh cycle, so that was probably the cause of my problem.
The integrator for thunderbird 3 doesn't appear to lock up even with ssl, so
it usually contacts the server at start-up and then it shows the buttons.

Luca Olivetti
Wetron Automatización S.A.
Tel. +34 93 5883004 (Ext.133)  Fax +34 93 5883007

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