
this is my first post here on this list.

I finished installing SOGo last week on my server. I was a lot of fun.
After configuring all the thunderbirds, I focused on the smartphones.
Funambol is already doing a good job, but for the iPhone 3GS with iOS
4.3, I would like to use CardDAV to not mix my phone contact list with
the company addresses. CalDAV was no problem, but I do not get CardDAV
to work.

I installed SOGo on Ubuntu 10.04 with the deb repository. I did not
change the SOGo.conf apache file, so it is still the one that was
shipped with the package.

The server sits behind a firewall, where ports need to be opened and
forwarded to different servers. In my case, I opened 443 and 8080 (the
latter one is temporarily opened for plain Funambol, as some Android
hands (2.1) do not support https, yet; fixed next week).

Is port 443 enough for CardDAV, too, as is for CalDAV?

When settings up CardDAV, I get the following log entries:

apache2/ssl_access.log: - - [20/Mar/2011:23:37:13 +0100] "OPTIONS
/.well-known/carddav HTTP/1.1" 200 2127 "-" "DataAccess/1.0 (8F190)" - - [20/Mar/2011:23:37:14 +0100] "OPTIONS / HTTP/1.1" 200
404 "-" "DataAccess/1.0 (8F190)" - - [20/Mar/2011:23:37:14 +0100] "OPTIONS /principals/
HTTP/1.1" 200 245 "-" "DataAccess/1.0 (8F190)"

I would be really happy to get this working. So if somebody would like
to help me with tips, thanks in advance.

Not to forget to mention that I searched several hours on the web, but
not finding answers :)

Best wishes
Bachelor of Science Informatik
Nahrungsberg 81, 35390 Gießen
F: +49 641 5879091, M: +49 176 93118939
USt-IdNr.: DE225643613

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