
The default database of Funambol is HyperSonic...

Do you configure Funambol to use Mysql ?

see  Funambol Documentation - Section 16.4 Using funambol with MySQL

2011/3/24 Dominique <dco...@hotmail.com>

>  Hi,
> I got the user connection working now with a Nokia N97. Errors in the jdbc
> connector and no mapping in the NAT for port 20000. Synchronization now goes
> on without error.
> Except that no data is actually transfered. From the phone perspectice, a
> few hundreds contacts are transfered from the phone (as per the counter that
> changes on the phone screen) to Sogo, except that no records shows up in
> Sogo Address book. Same is true for the calendar and todo list.
> Any ideas ?
> Dominique
> PS: Actually, I got it working nicely with Thunderbird although it was not
> the principal objective.
> On 18/03/2011 18:18, Mohit Chawla wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 8:44 PM, Dominique <dco...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> In order to test it, I installed a Thunderbird client before trying to
>> roll it out to mobile clients.
> I am not sure if Thunderbird is supposed to work with Funambol.
> You can either try with a mobile client or MS Outlook, according to your
> available resources.
> Regarding users/fqdn, in a funambol client (mobile/outlook) you will set
> the url of your sogo server ( and the remote name of the sources - sogo-cal
> etc. ) and that's it. SOGoOfficer will pick up user credentials from the db.

Louis-Philippe Gauthier

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