
As I understand it:

1. you need to install the sogo - funambol connector > funambol-sogo-1.0.8

2. in funambol administrator set the engine to SOGoOfficer.xml

3. configure SOGoOfficer.xml with the correct port number for the SOGo service (in my case 20000)

4. add in the funambol admin tool your SOGo connectors (e.g. sogo-cal)

5. on your device configure your sync application to use the SOGo connector (sogo-cal) otherwise it will synchronise not into SOGo but into the Funambol database.

Via the SOGoOfficer.xml the accounts from SOGo will be 'replicated' to Funambol, I had some trouble with the funambol user database not filling with the accounts, but creating a new user and logging in for the first time with that user in SOGo automagically made my funambol userlist fill up with the SOGo / ldap accounts.

Only pitfals I encountered in getting it to work was the port number for the SOGo service and not being able to change the connector name on my android device (latest version has the ability to define your own connector name).

Hope this helps somehow, although I believe it a repetion of steps you already did.






On Wednesday, 30 March, 2011 10:48 CEST, Dominique <dco...@hotmail.com> wrote:


I'm back with the same issue again. Basically, I can't get SOGo to
synchronize with Funambol.

I tried what some other users provided as help, even with the manual
from Ruud.

Funambol works fine, as I can synchronize my nokia with it. I can even
synchronize my Thunderbird with it through a beta connector for TB.
SOGo works fine.

I just can't get those two to work together.

So I started looking at the funambol database. There are no SOGo
specific tables. Is is supposed to be so ? How does funambol knows to
forward info from and to SOGo ? Apart from the module from SOGo,
fuanmbol loads other services. Are those required? Can they conflict
with SOGo ?

I am running Ubuntu 10.04 server, SOGo 1.3.5a and Funambol 8.5.2 all on
x64 versions.

Thanks for the help,



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