* Francis Lachapelle <users@sogo.nu>:
> On 2011-07-15, at 10:59 AM, Ladislav Pašek wrote:
> > my multi-domain config stop working after update. I have to switch to 
> > single domain config that is working. There some changes in multi-domain 
> > config syntax?
> > <.GNUstepDefaults.txt>
> Does the mail domains of your users addresses match the domains used in your
> configuration file of SOGo? If they do match, change them. For example,
> instead of using "prodex.sk", use "prodex-sk". As long as you don't use the
> new SOGoLoginDomains setting, the domains keys defined in your
> .GNUstepDefaults are never shown.

Confirmed. Once I changed the domains name to differ from SOGoMailDomain I
could login again.

Is this change intentional and I missed to read the relevant documentation or
is it a bug?


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