sogo 2.0 with rpms for openchange:

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Wed, 26 Oct 2011 08:06:35 +0200
> Von: Papenzzo <>
> An:
> Betreff: [SOGo] Fwd: openchange integration problem

> Please, can you help me to me see more clear on following points i sent 
> since some days?
> Thanks and best regards
> Papenzzo
> -------- Message original --------
> Sujet:        openchange integration problem
> Date :        Sun, 23 Oct 2011 09:27:58 +0200
> De :  Papenzzo <>
> Pour :
> Hi All
> I'm installing my first sogo using sogo version 1.3.8 on Centos 5.6 with 
> KVM (32 bits) and trying to implement openchange for synchronizing 
> outlook part.
> And i noted that it is not possible to integrate openchange on 1.3.8 
> version of sogo.
>  1. Is it possible to solve this problem using Centos 5.6 + sogo 1.3.8?
>  2. For being sure to install and to configure openchange on sogo, what
>     couple of linux distribution + version of sogo are better and
>     recommanded to use:
>       * Ubuntu version xx + Sogo version xx ?
>       * Centos version xx + Sogo version xx ?
>  3. what will be by yourselves the efficient and better couple of linux
>     distribution + version of sogo can you advise to use?
> Thanks in advance for your help and your assistance
> Papenzzo
> -- 

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