That did exactly what I was wanting Francis. Thanks!

Donny B.

On 11/11/2011 8:32 AM, Francis Lachapelle wrote:
Hi Donny

On 2011-11-09, at 4:54 PM, Donny Brooks wrote:

I am looking to customize only a few things for our department wide rollout of SOGo. I have already 
edited the sogo-logo.png and the only other thing I want to edit is in the top left of the browser 
where it says "SOGo - Mozilla Firefox". I would rather it say something like "MDAH 
Webmail Powered by: SOGo - Mozilla Firefox".
Set the parameters SOGoPageTitle (sudo sogo -c "defaults write sogod SOGoPageTitle 
'MDAH Webmail Powered by: SOGo'").

I see the post here:
 about how to keep changes between versions but that seems not current any 
more. Also I am not sure this is what I would want anyways. Any pointers?
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