On 17.11.2011 13:10, a.roma...@gctrials.com wrote:
Hello everybody,

Is there a way to add more attributes as options to Address Book search/filter?

Now there are only two: "Name and Email" and "Category".

I think it would be great to have also the possibility to search by
organization, position, address (city and country), birthday date, etc.

Any ideas?




yes. it is possible to do that. I've implemented that for few users.

Look here :
and search for "mail.addr_book.quicksearchquery.format"

You can define this per user on his thunderbird config using "advanced editor settings" or you can push that config globaly using "sogo-integrator.js" file included in sogo-intergrator ( howto modify sogo-intergrator.js for your site - this is described on inverse web page (as I remember ) or look to this mail list archive )

Marek Czardybon
Dział IT
3S Śląskie Sieci Światłowodowe

tel. 032 428 83 58
e-mail m.czardy...@3s.pl

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