-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: gaz...@web.de
Gesendet: Nov 29, 2011 3:53:10 PM
An: users@sogo.nu
Betreff: [SOGo] ical4j GETs 501 when checking for existence of a calendar

>I am trying to access a calendar of the user gazda using ical4j 1.0.1 Java
>client library.
>The SOGo instance I am accessing is version 1.3.9.
>Here is the piece of java code:
> URL url = new URL("https", "sogo.mycompany.com", -1, "/");
> CalDavCalendarStore store = new
>CalDavCalendarStore("-//MacTI//WOCal//EN", url, new PathResolver() {
> @Override
> public String getPrincipalPath(String username) {
> return "/SOGo/dav/" + username + "/";
> }
> @Override
> public String getUserPath(String username) {
> return "/SOGo/dav/" + username + "/";
> });
> store.connect("gazda", "********".toCharArray());
> CalDavCalendarCollection col =
>The problem is that store.getCollection() internally tries to check if the
>collection exists with a GET request which fails. Here is the relevant piece of
>SOGo log:
> - - [29/Nov/2011:10:53:41 GMT] "PROPFIND /SOGo/dav/gazda/ HTTP/1.1"
>401 0/90 0.013 - - 0
> - - [29/Nov/2011:10:53:41 GMT] "PROPFIND /SOGo/dav/gazda/ HTTP/1.1"
>207 593/90 0.011 - - 0
> - - [29/Nov/2011:10:53:41 GMT] "GET
>/SOGo/dav/gazda/Calendar/personal/ HTTP/1.1" 401 0/0 0.005 - - 0
> - - [29/Nov/2011:10:53:41 GMT] "GET
>/SOGo/dav/gazda/Calendar/personal/ HTTP/1.1" 501 191/0 0.013 - - 0
>The question is: Who is wrong? ical4j using GET or SOGo replying 501?
>The whole thing works if I comment out the GET request in the ical4j code.
>Thanks in advance,

I am replying myself with some more info:

As discussed in 


the RFC does not seem to stipulate how the existence of a collection should be 
tested. However there came an advice from the ietf-caldav mailing list to use 
PROPFIND for that purpose. ical4j will probably be patched accordingly.

Anyway, with the GET request there seems to be something out of order on SOGo. 
I have performed some tests with curl with following results:

(1) For


which does not exist I am getting
404 for all of PROPFIND, OPTIONS and GET which is expected.

(2) But for


which exists I am getting
207 for PROPFIND
200 for OPTIONS
501 for GET

May I file a bug for this?



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