
by the way - for us it just was so simple - dont this 2h earlier today.
changed the sources.list from squeeze to squeeze-nightly and done a apt-get update && apt-get upgrade (i created a backup-script for all sogo configs and the database before and tested this too)

after upgrade ive done a /etc/init.d/sogo restart and everything was fine :)

but we never compiled this own our own...

next step is complete outlook and mobile device integration

On 12/7/11 12:33 PM, Jean-Michel OLTRA wrote:

Le mercredi 07 décembre 2011, Martin Seener a écrit...

i have a working SOGo 1.3.10 installation on my debian squeeze 6.0.1
vServer and wanna upgrade to 2.0.0b3.
is it just backing up DB and config (sogo&apache), then changing apt
sources to -nightly and doing an upgrade?
I fear it is not so simple !

What we did (Debian Squeeze amd64) :

- remove all SOGo and SOPE packages (remove, not purge SOGo).
- backup /etc/apache2/conf.d/SOGo.conf, /etc/init.d/sogo
   these files are not removed if you did not purge the packages
- compile and install SOGo, SOPE, openchange
- configure according to the Inverse documentation
- modify /etc/init.d/sogo, and /etc/apache2/conf.d/SOGo accordingly
   (path are now relative to /usr/local)
- create (or copy from Debian packages) a Samba init script
- take care of Samba starting order : must be after SOGo and slapd
- create some logrotate config file for samba
- start SOGo, start Samba

That was fine. But Outlook was not very happy with it, and we went back
to 1.3 version.

Hope this helps.

Martin Seener
Zerebro Internet GmbH

14195 Berlin

Telefon: +49 30 838 584 71
Mobil: +49 151 275 300 82
E-Mail: martin.see...@barzahlen.com


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