Hi, i sync all data of oulook with funambol in sogo, it works.
I open address book, on sogo, it works.
I open default calendar on sogo, sogod go to 100% cpu!

32331 sogo      25   0 66580  45m 5688 R 99.9  2.3   0:11.43 sogod
32335 sogo      25   0 78232  52m 4680 R 99.6  2.6   0:11.65 sogod

If i put 6 child/workers, i see 6 child with 100% cpu
I put sogo into debug mode, and the last log is:

Dec 22 12:51:25 sogod [31953]: <[so-security]>D got user: <0x0x8caac74[SOGoUser]: login=gvcnv02 roles=Authenticated,Anonymous>) Dec 22 12:51:25 sogod [31953]: <[so-security]>D user roles: Authenticated,Anonymous,Owner Dec 22 12:51:25 sogod [31953]: <[so-security]>D found a valid role: 'Owner'. Dec 22 12:51:25 sogod [31953]: <[so-security]>D successfully validated permission 'view'. Dec 22 12:51:25 sogod [31953]: <[so-security]>D successfully validated key (eventsblocks). 2011-12-22 12:51:25.791 sogod[31953] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x8c33e24] connection=0x0x8c341b8> SQL: SELECT c_path4 FROM sogo_folder_info WHERE c_path2 = 'gvcnv02' AND c_folder_type = 'Appointment'; 2011-12-22 12:51:25.792 sogod[31953] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x8c33e24] connection=0x0x8c341b8> query has results, entering fetch-mode. 2011-12-22 12:51:25.792 sogod[31953] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x896d00c] connection=0x0x89e3108> SQL: SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile WHERE c_uid = 'gvcnv02'; 2011-12-22 12:51:25.793 sogod[31953] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x896d00c] connection=0x0x89e3108> query has results, entering fetch-mode. Dec 22 12:51:25 sogod [31953]: <[so-security]>D validate object: <0x0x8a19e2c[SoActionInvocation]: class=UIxCalListingActions action=eventsBlocks>
Dec 22 12:51:25 sogod [31953]: <[so-security]>D   object is public.
Dec 22 12:51:25 sogod [31953]: <[so-security]>D validate key eventsblocks of object: <0x08C2831C[SOGoAppointmentFolders]: name=Calendar container=0x08C1C06C/gvcnv02> Dec 22 12:51:25 sogod [31953]: <[so-security]>D validate permission 'view' on object: <0x08C2831C[SOGoAppointmentFolders]: name=Calendar container=0x08C1C06C/gvcnv02> Dec 22 12:51:25 sogod [31953]: <[so-security]>D possible roles for permission 'view': Owner, ObjectViewer, ObjectEditor Dec 22 12:51:25 sogod [31953]: <[so-security]>D got user: <0x0x8caac74[SOGoUser]: login=gvcnv02 roles=Authenticated,Anonymous>) Dec 22 12:51:25 sogod [31953]: <[so-security]>D user roles: Authenticated,Anonymous,Owner Dec 22 12:51:25 sogod [31953]: <[so-security]>D found a valid role: 'Owner'. Dec 22 12:51:25 sogod [31953]: <[so-security]>D successfully validated permission 'view'. Dec 22 12:51:25 sogod [31953]: <[so-security]>D successfully validated key (eventsblocks). Dec 22 12:51:25 sogod [31953]: <<0x08C2831C[SOGoAppointmentFolders]:Calendar>>D key 'eventsblocks' resolved: <0x0x8a19e2c[SoActionInvocation]: class=UIxCalListingActions action=eventsBlocks> Dec 22 12:51:25 sogod [31953]: |SOGo| set clientObject: <0x08C2831C[SOGoAppointmentFolders]: name=Calendar container=0x08C1C06C/gvcnv02> 2011-12-22 12:51:25.796 sogod[31953] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x896d00c] connection=0x0x89e3108> SQL: SELECT c_folder_id, c_path, c_location, c_quick_location, c_acl_location, c_folder_type FROM sogo_folder_info WHERE c_path1 = 'Users' AND c_path2 = 'gvcnv02' AND c_path3 = 'Calendar' AND c_path4 = 'personal'; 2011-12-22 12:51:25.797 sogod[31953] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x896d00c] connection=0x0x89e3108> query has results, entering fetch-mode. 2011-12-22 12:51:25.799 sogod[31953] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x8c33e24] connection=0x0x8c341b8> SQL: SELECT b.c_name,b.c_content,b.c_creationdate,b.c_lastmodified,b.c_version,a.c_component,a.c_title,a.c_location,a.c_orgmail,a.c_status,a.c_category,a.c_classification,a.c_isallday,a.c_isopaque,a.c_participants,a.c_partmails,a.c_partstates,a.c_sequence,a.c_priority,a.c_cycleinfo,a.c_iscycle,a.c_nextalarm,a.c_uid,a.c_startdate,a.c_enddate FROM sogogvcnv0200273c5c406_quick a, sogogvcnv0200273c5c406 b WHERE ((c_component = 'vevent') AND ((c_startdate IS NULL) OR (c_startdate <= 1324767599)) AND ((c_enddate IS NULL) OR (c_enddate >= 1324162800)) AND (c_iscycle = 0)) AND a.c_name = b.c_name AND (c_deleted != 1 OR c_deleted IS NULL); 2011-12-22 12:51:25.803 sogod[31953] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x8c33e24] connection=0x0x8c341b8> query has results, entering fetch-mode. Dec 22 12:51:25 sogod [31953]: <<0x0x8cab6cc[GCSFolder]>>D released channel: <MySQL4Channel[0x0x8c33e24] connection=0x0x8c341b8> 2011-12-22 12:51:25.804 sogod[31953] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x896d00c] connection=0x0x89e3108> SQL: SELECT b.c_name,b.c_content,b.c_creationdate,b.c_lastmodified,b.c_version,a.c_component,a.c_title,a.c_location,a.c_orgmail,a.c_status,a.c_category,a.c_classification,a.c_isallday,a.c_isopaque,a.c_participants,a.c_partmails,a.c_partstates,a.c_sequence,a.c_priority,a.c_cycleinfo,a.c_iscycle,a.c_nextalarm,a.c_uid,a.c_startdate,a.c_enddate FROM sogogvcnv0200273c5c406_quick a, sogogvcnv0200273c5c406 b WHERE ((c_component = 'vevent') AND (c_iscycle = 1)) AND a.c_name = b.c_name AND (c_deleted != 1 OR c_deleted IS NULL); 2011-12-22 12:51:25.807 sogod[31953] <MySQL4Channel[0x0x896d00c] connection=0x0x89e3108> query has results, entering fetch-mode. Dec 22 12:51:25 sogod [31953]: <<0x0x8cab6cc[GCSFolder]>>D released channel: <MySQL4Channel[0x0x896d00c] connection=0x0x89e3108> Dec 22 12:52:25 sogod [31947]: [WARN] <0x0x8969d84[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 31951 has been hanging in the same request for 1 minutes Dec 22 12:52:25 sogod [31947]: [WARN] <0x0x8af984c[WOWatchDogChild]> pid 31953 has been hanging in the same request for 1 minutes

Seems an sql problem, but select above are very light, if i execute them directly into mysql cli, result is very quick!

10 row for the first
112 row for the second

I don't have a lot of row to select :-|

mysql> SELECT count(*) FROM sogogvcnv0200273c5c406_quick a, sogogvcnv0200273c5c406 b;+----------+
| count(*) |
|   717409 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT count(*) FROM sogogvcnv0200273c5c406 b;
| count(*) |
|      847 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT count(*) FROM sogogvcnv0200273c5c406_quick a;
| count(*) |
|      847 |

This is an example of an event:


With a strace of the sogod process i see:

[root@servermail ~]# strace -p32331
Process 32331 attached - interrupt to quit
brk(0xc196000)                          = 0xc196000
brk(0xc1b7000)                          = 0xc1b7000
brk(0xc1d8000)                          = 0xc1d8000
brk(0xc1f9000)                          = 0xc1f9000
brk(0xc21a000)                          = 0xc21a000
brk(0xc23b000)                          = 0xc23b000
brk(0xc25c000)                          = 0xc25c000
brk(0xc27f000)                          = 0xc27f000
brk(0xc2a0000)                          = 0xc2a0000

1 row in set (0.00 sec)

If i deselect calendar personal calendar of this user, i don't have this behaviour.

If i sync events with funambol i have the same cpu increase!
Do you think that the problem is into the data? Some event that freeze sogod?
Some help is appreciated

Alessio Fattorini (alessio.fattor...@nethesis.it)

nethesis srl - Via degli Olmi 16/4 - 61100 Pesaro (PU)
tel. +39 0721 405516 - fax +39 0721 268147
www.nethesis.it - i...@nethesis.it

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