Hi again,

I made a self reply : investigating the postgresql log, I can see :

2012-01-24 17:30:51 CET LOG:  n'a pas pu recevoir les données du client
: Connexion ré-initialisée par le correspondant
2012-01-24 17:30:51 CET LOG:  fin de fichier (EOF) inattendue de la
connexion du client

(in english : the connection was reinitialized by client
unexpected EOF)

Should I fill a bug report ?


Le 24/01/2012 17:19, Rémi Cailletaud a écrit :
> Hi,
> I try to install SOGo 2.0 and face a strange error. The scenario is :
> - fresh Debian Squeeze install ;
> - SOGo from inverse nightly repository ;
> - PGSQL ;
> - apache2.
> - the source auth is an Active Directory :
>         SOGoUserSources = (
>             {
>                 type = ldap;
>                 CNFieldName = cn;
>                 IDFieldName = cn;
>                 UIDFieldName = sAMAccountName;
>                 baseDN = "OU=Users,DC=domain,DC=local";
>                 bindDN = read@domain.local;
>                 bindPassword = "passwd";
>                 bindFields = (middleName);
>                 canAuthenticate = YES;
>                 displayName = "Domain";
>                 hostname =;
>                 id = DOMAIN;
>                 isAddressBook = YES;
>                 port = 389;
>               scope = sub;
>             }
> - some users cannot login. in fact, they can login, but sogo raises an
> exception. we tried to search if they have particular LDAP field, but
> nothing like that.
> EXCEPTION: <NSException: 0x1564bc0> NAME:NSInvalidArgumentException
> REASON:Tried to init array with nil object INFO:(nil)
> - in same time, searching the address book if those users are in the
> ldap search scope does not work : same exception in Sogo log.
> - putting these users out of ldap search scope make the address book
> functional...
> We did not manage to understand which LDAP entries can cause this
> exception. Trying to remove most of the fileds, accents, not alpha char
> was unsuccessful...
> I paste the commented log of an unsuccessful login attempt. I tried to
> activate some other debug output, but nothing interesting :
> Jan 24 16:55:30 sogod [31741]: <0x0x10aa5a0[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
> with pid 31751
> Jan 24 16:55:30 sogod [31751]: <0x0x128e7e0[SOGoCache]> Cache cleanup
> interval set every 300.000000 seconds
> Jan 24 16:55:30 sogod [31751]: <0x0x128e7e0[SOGoCache]> Using host(s)
> 'localhost' as server(s)
> 2012-01-24 16:55:30.764 sogod[31751] Note(SoObject): SoDebugKeyLookup is
> enabled!
> 2012-01-24 16:55:30.764 sogod[31751] Note(SoObject): SoDebugBaseURL is
> enabled!
> 2012-01-24 16:55:30.764 sogod[31751] Note(SoObject): relative base URLs
> are enabled.
> 2012-01-24 16:55:30.767 sogod[31751] ERROR(-[NGBundleManager
> bundleWithPath:]): could not create bundle for path:
> '/usr/share/GNUstep/Libraries/gnustep-base/Versions/1.20/Resources/SSL.bundle'
> 2012-01-24 16:55:30.773 sogod[31751] WOCompoundElement: pool embedding
> is on.
> 2012-01-24 16:55:30.773 sogod[31751] WOCompoundElement: id logging is on.
> Jan 24 16:55:30 sogod [31751]: SOGoRootPage successful login for user
> 'jertest' - expire = -1  grace = -1
> -> Login seems to be successful
> Jan 24 16:55:30 sogod [31751]: [ERROR] <0x0x1562420[NGLdapAttribute]>
> cound not convert value of objectSid to string
> -> I think we can ignore this, as some users that have no problem cause
> this error
> EXCEPTION: <NSException: 0x1564bc0> NAME:NSInvalidArgumentException
> REASON:Tried to init array with nil object INFO:(nil)
> -> This one appears only when login with a "bad" user, and searching in
> a address book with some "bad" users.
> Jan 24 16:55:30 sogod [31741]: <0x0x108bea0[WOWatchDogChild]> child
> 31751 exited
> Jan 24 16:55:30 sogod [31741]: <0x0x108bea0[WOWatchDogChild]>
> (terminated due to signal 6)
> Jan 24 16:55:30 sogod [31741]: <0x0x108bea0[WOWatchDogChild]> avoiding
> to respawn child before 2012-01-24 16:55:35 +0100
> Thanks for your help,
> rémi

Rémi Cailletaud - IE CNRS
3S-R - Laboratoire Sols, Solides, Structures - Risques
BP53, 38041 Grenoble CEDEX 0
Tél: +33 (0)4 76 82 52 78
Fax: +33 (0)4 76 82 70 43

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