
I'm trying to subscribe an external calendar (ICS format) via the web frontend.

Thunderbird can subscribe it directly, google calendar can subsribe it too, but sogo refuses the calendar stating an (unspecified) error during import.

I could not find any further information in the logs (/var/log/sogo/sogo.log and any of the apache/tomcat logs).

Possible reasons i found:
1. SSL
When i tried to fetch the url with wget, i found out that due to an internal redirection, the host changes and so the SSL certificate is not correct. Downloading the file with firefox does not show the certificate error.

Is this a SSL issue (then there should be a proper warning and a possibility to add exceptions to that)?

2. URL character encoding
The URL has the format https://host.domain.com/events/ical.xhtml?locale=LO&token=[some usual hex-coded GUID]

Does sogo have problems with special characters in URLs?

Any suggestions how to find the proper error message and fix this bug?

Bixa TechnoConsulting

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Mail: peter.schm...@bixa.cc
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