
Am 06.03.2012 09:44, schrieb Mikel:

I have instaled SOGO in Debian Squeeze 6 with apt-get install sogo,
I'm be able to view the url http://sogerserver:20000 but I'm not able to conect with any user,
Don't use port 20000 to connect,
you have to go via a frontend webserver like apache.
A apache config is also included in the sogo install

I need to conect SOGO with LDAP Window server, but I don't be able, I try to read how to, but I'm not sure how to conect with a DC with IP and domain: elmio.com.es

Otherwise how can I create an user to sogo? And How is the administrative user to sogo? I know that an user sogo was created during the instalacition, but how can I used it to configurate SOgo?
No, none was created.
You need to configure the user source, like ldap or mysql
In Sogo there is no admin interface to create/modify users.



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