Basically I installed the packages recommended in the manual on the OS version 
(Oneiric) recommended in the manual. Thus I have GNUstep v1.22 and gnustep-make 
I tried but I couldn't (maybe that I don't know the right way) downgrade the 
gnustep-make to v2.4.

But I assume that if there was no notice to use older version of gnustep-make 
in the manual, the v2.6 should be also fine..


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jean-Michel OLTRA []
> Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2012 12:49 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [SOGo] Probmelm whil installing SOGo2beta5 from sources

> It seems to be worse!
> I think that SOGo developpers are quite good developpers, and that they
> did not have commited such code with so much errors.
> You and me, we have not the same errors, except the last one: I had an
> error about a String constant, but you had not this one, and you have
> errors about the include path, which I did not have.
> I note that you are compiling with gnustep-make 2.6.0. Mine si
> gnustep-make version 2.4.0, on Debian Squeeze.
> If I remove the -Werror flag, in the ADDITIONAL_INCLUDE_DIRS parts, the
> compilation ends successfully, but I still have the warning about the
> pointer type at line 1279!


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