I share my agenda with another personne. We are on a test plateform running sogo 1.3.12 on debian squeeze. With this personne we test the acces rights of class of event. I give him view all on Private events but when i try to change it to give him none it doesn't work. I can save my choice, but if i disconnect and connect again the changes doesn't work he still have view all on my private events.
Thank you for help
Sincerely yours

Mathilde Rousseau                       tel: 01 69 82 45 84/ 06 10 27 96 32
Responsable du Service Informatique Commun,
ICSN UPR2301, Bâtiment 27
CNRS, 1 Av de la terrasse              mail: mathilde.rouss...@icsn.cnrs-gif.fr
91198 Gif sur Yvette cedex


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