
On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 11:13 AM, Robert Casties
<cast...@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de> wrote:
> Since we use a lot of group calendars where events are created and
> changed by different users it would be nice to know which user created
> or changed an event (and when).
> It seems that the vcalendar format does not provide this information, at
> least I didn't find it.
> Now I had the idea to automatically add a line like "created by $user at
> $date" to the notes field. How would that be possible?
> Would it be possible with a Python hook? What do I need to play with
> this? 2.0?

No idea what it would need from SOGo, but if you are using a database
backend and not LDAP, you could perhaps implement this with database
triggers: on update of certain field you update some other field in
the db?


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