Hi Thomas Paduch

On 2012-03-28 12:28, Thomas Paduch wrote:
> since last weekend (switch to daylight time) there is an strange behavior
> with Apple iCal (4.0.4 / Snow Leopard) and Events created via Web GUI.    
> All Events appears 1 hour later in Apple iCal. Events created with iCal 
> or Thunderbird+Lightning displayed still correctly in Apple iCal. Also 
> Thunderbird+Lightning and the Web GUI display all events correctly, only
> iCal make something wrong.
> The Timezone Support in Apple iCal is disabled.
> If i change the RRULE in the STANDARD TIMEZONE Part of the event from:    
> to
> the Event in Apple iCal will be displayed correctly. At this moment we        
> use an apache substitute (in the caldav vhost) as workaround:
>   AddOutputFilterByType SUBSTITUTE text/html text/xml text/calendar
>   Substitute 
> ... maybe it make sense to change the RRULE order for events created by
> the Web GUI.

That's a known bug in iCal as the standard doesn't enforce any order.

There are however SOGo Bugs for this.
See Bug #1118
And Bug #1203

Kind regards,
Christian Mack

Christian Mack
Gruppe Informationsdienste
Rechenzentrum Universität Konstanz

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