hi Martin

I think we narrowed it down to this one rule (thanks to Thomas Paduch ;):
    RequestHeader unset Accept-Encoding

    AddOutputFilterByType SUBSTITUTE text/calendar text/xml
Substitute 's|RRULE:([^;]*;?[^;]*);?FREQ=([^;]*);?(.*)$|RRULE:FREQ=$2;$1$3|'

this one puts the "FREQ=" attribute first, as iCal seems to expect it there.
we are still running tests, but it looks good. we have to test all the recurring events too as well as the daylight and standard times.


On 03/30/2012 04:20 PM, Martin Seener wrote:

i added these 4 lines to my vhosts for 8008 and 8443 (ssl and non ssl)
and it seems to work pretty fine between sogo, thunderbird, ical and
iphone calendar
BUT it seems not to work for old entries - is there any solution?


Am 3/30/12 12:13 PM, schrieb Christian Mack:
Hi Martin Seener

On 2012-03-30 09:22, Martin Seener wrote:

after the last daytime change here in germany from winter to summertime
the calendar entries of one of our users is 1h different - but just for
his sogo entires not for his iCloud stuff.

sogo config is set to europe/berlin - as well as his iCal Calendar -
does anybody have a clue whats going on here ?
also in his own sogo config its set to correct timezone.

See this email thread from 2012-03-28:

Kind regards,
Christian Mack


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