Sorry for my bad explanation and thank you for your interest in my problem.
I want to add an external calendar example "http://www.education.gouv.fr/download.php?file=http://media.education.gouv.fr/ics/Calendrier_Scolaire_Zones_A_B_C.ics"; in sogoof a certain number of my users. So this is a webcalendar! (in database : ({"Calendar":{"WebCalendars":{"vacances:Calendar\/VAC":"http:\\//www.education.gouv.fr\/download.php?file=http:\/\/media.education.gouv.fr\/ics\/Calendrier_Scolaire_Zones_A_B_C.ics <http://www.education.gouv.fr/download.php?file=http://media.education.gouv.fr/ics/Calendrier_Scolaire_Zones_A_B_C.ics>"}}}).

My wish would be toscript this with sogo-tool. As for other functions such as filters sieves
example :
sogo-tool user-preferences set defaults patrick admin:qwerty SOGoSieveFilters '{"SOGoSieveFilters": [{"active": true, "actions": [{"method": "fileinto", "argument": "myfolder"}], "rules": [{"operator": "contains", "field": "subject", "value": "bar"}], "match": "any", "name":"foo"}]}')


Benjamin PIERROT
DSI : Pôle Production TICE et Services
Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne
Tél : 04 69 66 31 09

Le 05/04/2012 15:20, Christian Mack a écrit :
Sorry, but it is not clear to me, what you want to achieve.
Please elaborate a bit more.

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