Hello Federico Alberto Sayd

On 2012-04-10 16:15, Federico Alberto Sayd wrote:
> I am trying to migrate contacts from Squirrelmail to SOGo. I am using
> the script addressbook.pl found in the sogo sources.
> I run the script with this parameters
> ./addressbook.pl --config default.conf --username user1 --verbose=2
> user1.abook
> default.conf:
> [sogo]
> url = http://localhost/
> username = sogo
> password = secretpassword
> [addressbooks]
> folder_destination = "importados"
> Folder "importados" for user1 exists but the script displays the next error
> 2012/04/10 10:35:21 WARN> [user1] HTTP request PROPFIND user1: 302 Found
> 2012/04/10 10:35:21 INFO> [user1] Addressbook "importados" doesn't exist
> 2012/04/10 10:35:21 WARN> [user1] HTTP request MKCOL user1: 302 Found
> 2012/04/10 10:35:21 ERROR> [user1] File user1.abook skipped (missing
> destination addressbook)
> Anyone using this script to import contacts?

You need to use the corresponding UUID of the address book "importados",
not its name for option 'folder_destination'.
The UUID looks something like "62AF-4C68E680-5-734FD600".

> Also, any idea to run the script when the user log in the first time?

Sorry, no idea on that one.

Kind regards,
Christian Mack

Christian Mack
Gruppe Informationsdienste
Rechenzentrum Universität Konstanz

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