Seems as if you'd be right - If I send it using Firefox (12) It gets corrupted - using IE (9) It gets attached correctly and remains readable for the recipient.

Why the heck does Firefox change the contents of an attachment uploaded? If it were only the mime-type that it does not know about it should be possible to save the file to disk and open it from there isn't it? But even after saving the file to disk it does not open.

Is there any known config or setting in Firefox that might affect this behaviour?


Am 13.04.2012 16:18, schrieb Wolfgang Sourdeau:
Le 12-04-13 10:06, Wolfgang Sourdeau a écrit :
Something is wrong with your server, because the attachment is sent as text/html while it should be application/pdf. Is there an entry in /etc/mime.types for "pdf" ? If so, what is it?
Actually, I am wrong. The mimetype is passed by the web browser. So its your client system that's wrong. Did you update your browser recently?


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Kryptografische Unterschrift

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