Hello all!

I have 2 servers running SOGo configured exactly the same (using the same LDAP, IMAP and SMTP servers) but separate DB's, one is for internal testing while the other is a pilot for a group of ~30 people.

When I access 'Mail' on the dev server e-mail is polled; that is all the subscribed folders are processed for new mail etc, this can be seen in the logs while the pilot server (again same configuration minus DB) only polls the inbox and no other folders unless you click the folder.

Here is the config running on both servers

sogod SOGoVacationEnabled NO
sogod SOGoSMTPServer our.smtp.server
sogod SOGoUserSources '(
        CNFieldName = cn;
        IDFieldName = uid;
        UIDFieldName = uid;
authenticationFilter = "(userClass=''***OR userClass=''***S'' OR userClass=''***'')";
        baseDN = "ou=People,o=our-o";
        bindAsCurrentUser = YES;
        bindFields = (
        canAuthenticate = YES;
        displayName = People;
filter = "(userClass=''***'' OR userClass=''A***' OR userClass=''***'')";
        hostname = "our.ldap.server";
        id = public;
        isAddressBook = YES;
        port = 389;
        CNFieldName = cn;
        IDFieldName = uid;
        KindFieldName = Kind;
        MultipleBookingsFieldName = Multiplebookings;
        UIDFieldName = uid;
        baseDN = "ou=Resources,o=our-o";
        bindDN = "cn=yah-right";
        bindPassword = "**********";
        canAuthenticate = YES;
        displayName = Resources;
        hostname = "our.ldap.server";
        id = resources;
        isAddressBook = YES;
        port = 389;
        CNFieldName = ou;
        IDFieldName = ou;
        UIDFieldName = ou;
        baseDN = "ou=Departments,o=our-o";
        bindDN = "cn=yah-right";
        bindPassword = "**********";
        canAuthenticate = YES;
        displayName = Departments;
        hostname = "our.ldap.server";
        id = departments;
        isAddressBook = YES;
        port = 389;
sogod SOGoEnableEMailAlarms YES
sogod SOGoIMAPServer imap://our.imap.server/
sogod OCSEMailAlarmsFolderURL postgresql://sogo:********@
sogod NGImap4ConnectionStringSeparator .
sogod SOGoProfileURL postgresql://sogo:********@
sogod SOGoTimeZone America/New_York
sogod debug YES
sogod LDAPDebugEnabled YES
sogod SOGoImapDebugEnabled YES
sogod SOGoLoginModule Calendar
sogod SOGoMailingMechanism smtp
sogod OCSSessionsFolderURL postgresql://sogo:********@
sogod SOGoAppointmentSendEMailReceipts NO
sogod SOGoSieveServer sieve://our.sieve.server:2000
sogod SOGoSuperUsernames '(
sogod SOGoMailDomain potsdam.edu
sogod SOGoForwardEnabled No
sogod OCSFolderInfoURL postgresql://sogo:********@
sogod SOGoSieveScriptsEnabled NO
sogod SOGoAppointmentSendEMailNotifications YES

dev server log:

xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx- - [24/May/2012:08:45:18 GMT] "GET /SOGo/so/yacketrj/Mail HTTP/1.1" 302 0/0 0.003 - - 0 May 24 08:45:19 sogod [13485]: [WARN] <0x0x2d4b0c8[UIxEnvelopeAddressFormatter]> unexpected envelope address: <0x0x2580d78[NGImap4EnvelopeAddress]:> May 24 08:45:19 sogod [13485]: [WARN] <0x0x2d4b0c8[UIxEnvelopeAddressFormatter]> unexpected envelope address: <0x0x2d03518[NGImap4EnvelopeAddress]:> May 24 08:45:19 sogod [13485]: [WARN] <0x0x2d4b0c8[UIxEnvelopeAddressFormatter]> unexpected envelope address: <0x0x49a0798[NGImap4EnvelopeAddress]:> xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx- - [24/May/2012:08:45:20 GMT] "GET /SOGo/so/yacketrj/Mail/view HTTP/1.1" 200 28957/0 1.524 128359 77% 0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx- - [24/May/2012:08:45:20 GMT] "POST /SOGo/so/yacketrj/Calendar/alarmslist?browserTime=1337863349 HTTP/1.1" 200 2/0 0.007 - - 0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx- - [24/May/2012:08:45:21 GMT] "POST /SOGo/so/yacketrj/Mail/0/mailboxes HTTP/1.1" 200 2814/0 0.835 - - 0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx- - [24/May/2012:08:45:22 GMT] "POST /SOGo/so/yacketrj/Mail//0/folderINBOX/unseenCount HTTP/1.1" 200 15/0 0.866 - - 0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx- - [24/May/2012:08:45:22 GMT] "POST /SOGo/so/yacketrj/Mail/foldersState HTTP/1.1" 200 44/0 0.012 - - 0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx- - [24/May/2012:08:45:22 GMT] "POST /SOGo/so/yacketrj/Mail//0/folderGreg/unseenCount HTTP/1.1" 200 13/0 0.832 - - 0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx- - [24/May/2012:08:45:23 GMT] "POST /SOGo/so/yacketrj/Mail//0/folderTracker/unseenCount HTTP/1.1" 200 15/0 0.834 - - 0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx- - [24/May/2012:08:45:25 GMT] "POST /SOGo/so/yacketrj/Mail//0/folderCobbler/unseenCount HTTP/1.1" 200 15/0 0.844 - - 0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx- - [24/May/2012:08:45:26 GMT] "POST /SOGo/so/yacketrj/Mail//0/foldernagios/unseenCount HTTP/1.1" 200 13/0 0.818 - - 0
Runs through all my subscribed folders

while the pilot server only polls INBOX

xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx- - [24/May/2012:08:48:54 GMT] "GET /SOGo/so/yacketrj/Mail HTTP/1.1" 302 0/0 0.004 - - 0 May 24 08:48:55 sogod [19189]: [WARN] <0x0x29a59e8[UIxEnvelopeAddressFormatter]> unexpected envelope address: <0x0x2722188[NGImap4EnvelopeAddress]:> May 24 08:48:55 sogod [19189]: [WARN] <0x0x29a59e8[UIxEnvelopeAddressFormatter]> unexpected envelope address: <0x0x2a23c18[NGImap4EnvelopeAddress]:> May 24 08:48:55 sogod [19189]: [WARN] <0x0x29a59e8[UIxEnvelopeAddressFormatter]> unexpected envelope address: <0x0x22272a8[NGImap4EnvelopeAddress]:> xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx- - [24/May/2012:08:48:55 GMT] "GET /SOGo/so/yacketrj/Mail/view HTTP/1.1" 200 28559/0 1.463 126594 77% 2M xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx- - [24/May/2012:08:48:55 GMT] "POST /SOGo/so/yacketrj/Calendar/alarmslist?browserTime=1337863564 HTTP/1.1" 200 2/0 0.028 - - 0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx- - [24/May/2012:08:48:56 GMT] "POST /SOGo/so/yacketrj/Mail/0/mailboxes HTTP/1.1" 200 2814/0 0.781 - - 0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx- - [24/May/2012:08:48:57 GMT] "POST /SOGo/so/yacketrj/Mail//0/folderINBOX/unseenCount HTTP/1.1" 200 15/0 0.830 - - 0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx- - [24/May/2012:08:48:57 GMT] "POST /SOGo/so/yacketrj/Mail/foldersState HTTP/1.1" 200 0/0 0.005 - - 0

that's it, no other folders are polled.

Again, same exact SOGo.conf on both servers (diffed server configs) as well as using the same LDAP, IMAP and SMTP servers. The only differences is the DB backends uses.




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