On 2012-06-04 03:28, robert_robin...@amogconsulting.com wrote:
> We have the latest stable version of SOGo running on a Centos 5.6 box which 
> has
> served us well for over 12 months now. We mainly use the web interface for
> adding and altering events, some people use Thunderbird successfully and we
> also use iPhones, with limited success.
> The iPhones are connected by letting them on our internal network (via Wi-Fi),
> adding a new calendar, using caldav, with the correct URL:
> http://<FQ domain name here>:80/SOGo/dav/<username here>
> everything works really well, events can be added by phone, viewed by phone 
> and
> modified by phone. All calendars you subscribe to in the web interface show up
> on the phone no problems. This only works when on the internal network and
> there are plans to allow phone users VPN access so that they can interact with
> SOGo while out and about, which is the driver for doing this.
> So far so good, there's a pretty serious problem though.
> It seems that SOME events (I haven't quite pinned down exactly what causes 
> it),
> that are created on the web interface that are recurring events with multiple
> attendees; cause problems when after a period of time (ie long enough for the
> event to propagate onto the phone) someone alters ONE or more of the recurring
> events, for example the time for a weekly meeting gets shifted by an hour, 
> this
> change does not show on the phone but does appear on the web interface. This 
> is
> not consistent and that's why I say I haven't pinned it down exactly yet. I
> cant work out exactly what variable is causing the problem.
> After doing a little reading, I think the issue may be with Apples rather
> unsavory take on the CalDAV standard that requires the recurring data to be in
> a specific order, whereas SOGo (quite rightly after browsing the standard)
> doesn't care. I think its the RRULE, ie
> Is this a known issue?
> I haven't bothered using the Funambol connector because it all seemed
to work
> well without it, until now. However with people starting to use it
more often
> on their phones, its becoming quite embarrassing when executives are
an hour
> late to a meeting because their calendar didn't update properly. Does
> Funambol eradicate this problem? I'm not likely going to be able to
spend the
> time needed to implement this add-on if it isn't proven to fix the
> I'm aware of Apples somewhat stubborn approach to standards, CalDAV,
> etc etc and I don't expect them to fix their software anytime soon.
What should
> I do?
> PS apart from this SOGo is a fantastic product, keep up the great work

This is "fixed" by a workaround in SOGo 1.3.15.
RRULE is now served in the ordering Apple expects.

See bug #1203

This bug in Apples Software also changed the timezone when synchronized
with iCal on MacOS.
But this "fix" only works for new/changed events.
Existing events eventually have to be corrected manually.

Kind regards,
Christian Mack

Christian Mack
Gruppe Informationsdienste
Rechenzentrum Universität Konstanz

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