No comment? Nobody else with this problem in sogo 2? This suddenly appeared while in the beginning it worked flawlessly here. I expected it to go away with one of the numerous updates to 2.0 daily again but it didn't. Where could I have to look at to find out of this ?

Am 07/26/12 12:38, schrieb Andreas Balg:
Hello everybody,

excuse me if I should have missed anything in the documentation - I am having severe trouble since some time ago with the times displayed and stored for events. They differ in the Web-UI and other Clients (TB+Lightning+SOGO Integrator, EMCLient, Android-Calendar via CalDAV).

When I initially create an event in the calendar web-UI - the event time is stored and displayed eith an offset of 4(!) hours.

E.g. Create it with 9:00-10:00 - initally at creation it will be stored and displayed as 5:00-6:00 in WEB-UI (-4 hours off) and with -2 hours offset in any CalDAV-Client (Android/TB) - After initial creation I open it agaoin in WEB UI, change the time back to 9:00-10:00 and save the event again then it is displayed in the Web-UI as 7:00-8:00 (-2 hours offset) and will be displayed correctly in other clients. When I create an event in any other client it works as expected but is displayed with offset in the webUI.

What did I miss here ?? Can't find anything wrong or

IN .GNUStepDefaults I configured the local Timezone (same as Client)


The user himself configured his timezone as "Europe/Zurich" as well in SOGo's web-UI preferences.

What's wrong so far? Or is there still an unresolved bug I did not see? Or is my setup wrong ??

Cheers Andreas


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