Hi Francesco

On 2012-08-20, at 12:00 PM, Francesco Spegni wrote:

> I know it is possible to let SOGo load custom JS files using the 
> SOGoUIAdditionalJSFiles parameter. Using this mechanism I want to load a file 
> (let's say custom.js) where I can redefine the savePreferences function 
> (defined in ./WebServerResources/UIxPreferences.js).
> Now I would like to modify the standard preferences window in order to show 
> custom components. So far, I do this modifying the file 
> Templates/Preferences/UIxPreferences.wox. I also see there is a 
> UIxAdditionalPreferences.wox file. Can I put my modification into the latter, 
> not touching the UIxPreferences.wox file?

Yes. Create the template UIxAdditionalPreferences.wox and in your configuration 
set SOGoUIxAdditionalPreferences to "YES":

su - sogo
defaults write sogod SOGoUIxAdditionalPreferences YES

I just noticed that it wasn't documented. I'll fix the configuration guide.



flachape...@inverse.ca :: +1.514.755.3640 :: http://www.inverse.ca
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