Thought for sure this was a real bug, but you are correct Mr. Bartlett,
thats just how the SMB protocol works. I verified this with another
wireshark capture from the same XP machine and a working SAMBA4 appliance
from Sernet. This second capture also reveals that bind9 is still having
issues on the SOGo appliance. The host machine registers itself into the
DNS zone, but will not add client machines when they try to join the
domain. How do I use the internal DNS service with SAMBA4?

On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 2:24 AM, Andrew Bartlett <> wrote:

> On Sat, 2012-09-15 at 11:02 -0400, John Russell wrote:
> > Ran wireshark on the XP client while joining the domain and saw SAM LOGON
> > request from client and SAM Active Directory Response - user unknown.
> >
> > I noticed on the request and the response packets the user name field in
> > the packet is blank (yes, I am typing the user name and password into the
> > prompt from the XP machine!).
> >
> > Any ideas on what causes this?
> While an odd feature of the protocol, this is actually a normal
> successful response to the expected packet.  (Essentially, this is a
> historical oddity from a time when asking if a server knew about a user
> over an un-authenticated UDP packet wasn't considered a
> security/confidentially issue).
> --
> Andrew Bartlett                      
> Authentication Developer, Samba Team 

"It's better to be boldly decisive and risk being wrong than to agonize at
length and be right too late."
Marilyn Moats Kennedy

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