On 25/10/12 09:59, Marcio Merlone wrote:
Em 26-07-2010 11:11, Clay Wright escreveu:
Robert A Wooldridge wrote:
Is it possible to change the logo on the web client login so that it is
your company's logo?
The only way I know of is to replace the default logo manually. On my
CentOS box, it's at:

One can customize favicon, but not yet the logo? Every upgrade I must copy the file, very annoying. How difficult would be to add a SOGoLogoRelativeURL to the confs?

Thanks and best regards.

Marcio Merlone
Follow this instructions: http://www.sogo.nu/english/nc/support/faq/article/how-to-customize-the-html.html

Create your own .wox template in the sogo's home and in the .wox points to the logo, the changes are preserved in every upgrade.


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