
I have configured Funambol with SOGo and am able to Sync the Address Book perfectly fine with Funambol Outlook sync Client.

I am facing below issue while Syncing the Calendar items from SOGo.

    -    For all items on SOGo, Blank entries are created in Outlook.
- Items are created with 15mins change in time. On SOGo if item starts are 4:45 am then in Outlook it shows 5 am. - Items created in Outlook do not sync back to SOGo though Sync is completed without Errors.

    -    Two-way sync configured.
- Tried by setting SOGo SyncSource Supported Type as text/x-event & text/x-vcal - Tried Directly with Funambol and Sync is working fine with their database.
    -    Items created are simple ones.
    -    SOGo log file is clean.

Error that I receive in the Funambol Logs

17:05:14 GMT +5:30 [DEBUG] - appointment begin (mode "two-way")
17:05:14 GMT +5:30 [DEBUG] - extractFolder method: failed to get the folder. use the default 17:05:14 GMT +5:30 [ERROR] - VConverter: error occurred parsing the item data.

However, Not sure why *text/x-vcalendar* is send in the below XML format. It should be either *text/x-event *or *text/x-vcal*

/<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Item><Data><Anchor xmlns="syncml:metinf"><Next>1351776598005</Next>
<Meta><Format xmlns="syncml:metinf">b64</Format>
<Type xmlns="syncml:metinf">*text/x-vcalendar*</Type>

Kindly guide where we need the correction to be made.

Thanks & Regards,
Devinder Singh Birdi


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