Hello all,

Sorry for asking a question that is not necessary related to SOGo but i write here in the hope that someone is facing the same situation and already found a fix or a workaround. I have a SOGo 2.0.2 in a multi-domain configuration that work fine on a CentOS 6.3 box. My problem is that: after the iOS upgrade to version 6, my iPhone 4S does not show all my carddav address books in the list of default account (that is Settings/Mail, Contacts, Calendars/Contacts). I ususaly have 5 or 6 address books there from 3 SOGo servers and i can select one to be default. For example, now i have 3 carddav address books (all on the same SOGo server) and in the list i have just 2 address books. After several days of tests i'm pretty sure that is a bug in iOS 6 but my question is: is anyone facing this situation? Anyone found a fix or a workaround?

Thank you in advance.


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