Am 06.01.2013 21:18, schrieb Patrick Ben Koetter:
* Christian Rößner <>:
You use "exampleserver-de" for the "domain-name", and not
"" why?
To be honest? I had copied an example from Patrick Ben Koetter and adopted
it to my needs :) Maybe he may say something to this aspect. But I think you
may specify whatever you like, as it seems just to be an unique name for a
It's been a while I tested that. IIRC a '.' dot led to an error. I don't
recall ATM, but I recall I changed it to '-' and never looked back again. It's
a good marker to jump to in vi. ;)


In my config (using SOGoLoginDomains-Array) that unique-block-name is also used at the login-screen for domain selection - and not SogoMailDomain - or is there a switch to enforce the usage of the value of SogoMailDomainfor that dropdown menu?

Sorry for the many questions..


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