Hi Jonas,

you can also always use server side sieving. We use this to build client
independent rules.
We fetch all meail from extern via fetchmail and push them into the
central cyrus imap server.
There they get automatically filtered by sieve.


Am 07.01.2013 17:00, schrieb Jonas Zierer:
> Hi everybody,
> i wanted to ask if it is possible to use the filtering rules for external 
> imap accounts. This should work similar to e.g. thunderbird filters: as soon 
> as a new message comes is catched from the server the filter is applied.
> I use sogo as webmail for all my email addresses and it would be cool to 
> manage all filters with one tool instead of having different thunderbird 
> instances on different computers and different webmail services from 
> different providers.
> bye
> Jonas


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