is there a recipe on how to get address-cards from an existing
android-AB into sogo?

I have the task of transferring an existent android-AB (HTC) phone, to
sogo. since all the addresses are in the system adr-book on the htc, the
question is, which is the most reliable way to bring them into the
sogo-AB. via ldif/vcards?

1. is there an export adr-card function for android?
2. is there a export prg. for windows or preferable linux?
3. is it possible to transfer the internal adr.book-files from android
(location?) to linux and extract the cards there? (like a DCIM dir. for
4. any other way?

we have a windows system and I'm a linux sysadmin but don't have an
extra HTC-android device to play.

on the WS-client side we use tunderbird with sogo-integrator/connector.
on android the dmfs carddav stack.

since this is probably a reoccurring task, one might already have a
solution to this.
can anyone please shed some light on this?

TIA & have wonderful 2013


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