i had the same problem and i am working for weeks to get native outlook
connection to work on a dedicated server. first of all i am no python developer
so the code is very crapy and all in all it is not a good solution. i changed
the function _get_cookies in
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openchange/web/auth/NTLMAuthHandler.py to:

def _get_cookies(env):
        cookies = {}
        if "HTTP_COOKIE" in env:
            cookie_str = env["HTTP_COOKIE"]

            pos = cookie_str.find(";")
            cookie_str = cookie_str.replace('\"','')
            cookie_str = cookie_str.replace(';','')

            if pos != -1:
                print "got ntlm " + cookie_str
                for pair in cookie_str.split(" "):
                    (key, value) = pair.strip().split("=")
                    print "in ntlm case:" + key + ": " + value
                    cookies[key] = value
                print "no ntlm"
                for pair in cookie_str.split(" "):
                    (key, value) = pair.strip().split("=")
                    print "no ntlm case:" + key + ": " + value
                    cookies[key] = value

            #print "output end"

            return cookies

you can remove print lines. the problem is...sometimes there is a oc-ntlm-auth
cookie name in the string and sometimes there isn't. i got rid off the error
msg but outlook native connection doesn't work properly. every..lets say.. 30
secs...outlooks looses the connection to sogo/rpcproxy.  

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