
On Fri, 2013-01-25 at 11:38 +0800, Steven Swarts wrote:

> All I have is root user access, and so far that didn’t cause any
> issues.

And it won't cause any issues unless you run sogod process because it
requires to be run with a different account that root.

> Does this mean that I have duped my whole system? Need to re-install
> everything using sudoers and a username openchange?? 

You haven't duped your system at all and you don't need to reinstall
anything. Just add a user at this stage of the setup and process from

> Does he have to be part of root group?

No it doesn't.

> I couldn’t find any information on the tutorial about that.

Your post-installation impressions, notes, updates are welcome to help
OpenChange improving its documentation stack.

Kind Regards,


Julien Kerihuel
OpenChange Project Founder

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