Hello Michael Vogel

Am 2013-04-08 19:50, schrieb Michael Vogel:
> How can I do some feature requests so that the developer are seeing
> them? Are they reading this mailing list or is there another channel
> for that?

Some developers are on this list, but for feature requests or bug
reports better use

> By now I have for small things:
> 1. It would be great if the threaded view of mails would only do that
> with mails that are threaded via the "References"- and
> "In-Reply-To"-header - but not via a subject with the same content.
> This could be switched via an option. The background: I'm getting
> many notifications with an identical subject. (like "New answer in
> forum test"). These mails don't belong in one thread.

OK, but there are a lot of threads from clients which don't set these
headers correctly.
So this definitely should be a folder based setting.

There is already a bug report related to your request, see bug #1883

> 2. When replying to a replied message the quote signs should be
> compacted. Explanation: When I reply to a message the quoted messages
> looks like this: "> quoted text". When quoting this quoted text, the
> system should make a ">> quoted text" - but by now it does a "> >
> quoted text" (there is a space between the first and second ">")

Where is the benefit for that?

> 3. The option for viewing mails in thread view should be made
> switchable directly in the mail folders.

There is an enhancement request for that already. See bug #1882

> 4. It would be great if there was an option to "mark all messages as
> read" when right-clicking on a mail folder.

For that there is an enhancement request see Bug #1473
It will be part of SOGo 2.0.5.

Kind regards,
Christian Mack

Christian Mack
Gruppe Informationsdienste
Rechenzentrum Universität Konstanz

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