Le 08/06/2013 ? 19:20:08-0400, Ron Scott-Adams a écrit
> It means it passed through SOGo, and that SOGo tacked on that header because 
> it

Yes...it's what I understand, but if it's really the case, I'm worry about
spamming. Because if sogo going to reply a message for incomming mail
without manual action, that's mean some smart people can spam all internet
using my (or any) sogo server.

Because I'm sure the first message is a spam (selling viagra)

> classified the message as a calendar invitation reply. Can you post your
> sogo.conf, please?

Of course  




    GCSFolderDebugEnabled = NO;
    GCSFolderStoreDebugEnabled = NO;
    LDAPDebugEnabled = NO;
    OCSEMailAlarmsFolderURL = 
    OCSFolderInfoURL = 
    OCSFolderManagerSQLDebugEnabled = NO;
    OCSSessionsFolderURL = 
    PGDebugEnabled = NO;
    SOGoACLsSendEMailNotifications = YES;
    SOGoAppointmentSendEMailNotifications = YES;
    SOGoDebugRequests = NO;
    SOGoDebuggingEnabled = NO;
    SOGoDraftsFolderName = "INBOX.Drafts";
    SOGoEnableEMailAlarms = YES;
    SOGoEnablePublicAccess = YES;
    SOGoFirstDayOfWeek = 1;
    SOGoFirstWeekOfYear = FirstFullWeek;
    SOGoFoldersSendEMailNotifications = YES;
    SOGoIMAPServer = "imaps://hermes.obspm.fr:993";
    SOGoLanguage = French;
    SOGoLoginModule = Calendar;
    SOGoMailDomain = "obspm.fr";
    SOGoMailMessageCheck = "every_5_minutes";
    SOGoMailMessageForwarding = attached;
    SOGoMailingMechanism = smtp;
    SOGoProfileURL = 
    SOGoSMTPServer = "smtp-int-m.obspm.fr";
    SOGoSentFolderName = "INBOX.Sent";
    SOGoTimeZone = "Europe/Paris";
    SOGoTrashFolderName = "INBOX.Trash";
    SOGoUIxDebugEnabled = NO;
    SOGoUserSources = (
            CNFieldName = cn;
            IDFieldName = uid;
            UIDFieldName = uid;
            baseDN = "dc=obspm,dc=fr";
            bindDN = "uid=dsogo,ou=sio,dc=obspm,dc=fr";
            bindFields = uid;
            bindPassword = "xxxxxxxxxx";
            canAuthenticate = YES;
            displayName = LDAP;
            hostname = "ldap-m2.obspm.fr";
            id = public;
            isAddressBook = YES;
            port = 389;
            scope = SUB;
    SoDebugObjectTraversal = NO;
    SoSecurityManagerDebugEnabled = NO;
    WODebugZipResponse = YES;
    WODontZipResponse = YES;
    WOWorkersCount = 6;

Albert SHIH
DIO bâtiment 15
Observatoire de Paris
5 Place Jules Janssen
92195 Meudon Cedex
Téléphone : +33 1 45 07 76 26/+33 6 86 69 95 71
xmpp: j...@obspm.fr
Heure local/Local time:
lun 10 jui 2013 10:48:35 CEST

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