On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 6:13 AM, Ludovic Marcotte <lmarco...@inverse.ca>wrote:

>  On 2013-06-29 1:57 AM, Stephen Ingram wrote:
> The makefile in SoObjects/SOGo (line 149) indicates the presence of this
> metadata file, but there is none. The code in SOGoSAML2Session also appears
> to look for this file (SOGoSAML2Metadata.xml). Does this need to be added
> before compiling? I've tried adding it to the WebserverResources directory,
> but SOGo still doesn't pick it up.
> Try placing it in /usr/sbin/Resources/sogod/Resources/  (adjust depending
> on where your sogod binary is located and create the Resources directory).
> That is just to some brain damage in the bundle loading code.

That doesn't work, but it did give me a hint as to where it should be. The
magic location is /usr/lib/GNUstep/Frameworks/SOGo.framework/Resources/. I
can now see the metadata when browsing to
https://webmail.4test.net/SOGo/saml2-metadata. If I try to login at
https://webmail.4test.net/SOGo I am correctly re-directed to the IdP for

I still don't have a working system as once authenticating at the IdP, SOGo
apparently doesn't receive what it's looking for and tries to login with

EXCEPTION: <NSException: 0xb9b535fc> NAME:NSInvalidArgumentException
REASON:Tried to add nil value for key 'login' to dictionary INFO:{}

which results in a proxy error:

The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The
proxy server could not handle the request POST /SOGo/saml2-signon-post.

Looking at the code, I see that SOGo maybe only wants either the uid or
mail attributes encoded in a SAML2NameID format. I'm not sure if the
endpoint /SOGo/saml2-signon-post is correct or not as I gleaned it from
error logs listing typical SOGo requests. Are /SOGo/saml2-metadata and
/SOGo/saml2-signon-post the only two endpoints?


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