Please see inline my answers

Odhiambo Washington wrote, On 03/07/2013 15:31:

So, perhaps what I need to understand is that when multiple_bookings = 1 and 
someone else already has booked an event, then the resource become unavailable, 
right??? That would explain why I wasn't able to add the resource as 
participant in my event because resource already had a booking.

multiple_bookings tells sogo how many events could be booked at one time.
If you had already one event for that time slot, that is normal behavior.

If the room1 is a resource, should it not be able to accessible it at different 
times, as long as there is no clash/overlap in the schedules?

It will prevent event save only in case there is time slot overlap and multiple_bookings number is already reached for that time slot.

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