This problem (ie. time-consuming and error-prone installations) is FAR broader than SOGo... and existing "solutions" used in the industry aren't optimal and/or have serious tradeoffs eg. bundling a product in a specialist distro or custom VM etc...

I'm working on a project which, amongst other things, allows easy sharing of automated configurations (ie. package lists, scripted configuration and even remote OS installation if required) between sites... but is MUCH broader than just this mission. It's a web admin GUI that can be extended with plugins to achieve many tasks ie. administration of Samba, SOGo, Postfix, Dovecot, Cyrus, Kerberos, Asterisk, rSyslog, Freeradius, Kolab, Nagios, Openstack, and many more services... all controlled via LDAP + RPC.

The automatic configuration aspect allows complete remote installation and/or configuration of clients, and works with both Windows (via OPSI) and Linux (via FAI). Unfortunately the Linux autoconfig part has been a bit neglected and needs work, but is receiving developer attention at the moment. If you're interested in helping and/or giving the project a spin join us in #fusiondirectory on FreeNode (IRC network). The best time is between 9000(GMT) and 1600(GMT). I should also mention that FusionDirectory is the name of the project... it's a fork of the stalled GOsa project. If you're expecting things to be easy we certainly aren't there yet... which is why we need testers and help... HEEELP!!! ;)

Mark Pavlichuk
Strategic IT
ph. (07)47242890
m. 0409 124577


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