Am 08.07.2013 07:20, schrieb Achim Gottinger:

Facing an strange issue here. I deploy Thunderbird 17.0.5 with lightning 1.9.1 sogo-integrator/connector 17.0.5 to windows clients in an way, that lightning and sogo addons are bundled as hidden addons. Means they reside in
C:\Program Files(x86)\mozilla thunderbird\distribution\bundles\.
Made just a few mofigications to sogo-integrator:
sogo-integrator\chrome\content\extension.rtf has the proper isi_updateURL for the site sogo-integrator\chrome\content\general\custom-preferences.js has this addition line force_char_pref("calendar.timezone.local", "/");
Also sogo-integrator\defaults\preferences has an modified timezone
pref("calendar.timezone.local", "/");

Turned out that line caused all the strange behaviour.
force_char_pref("calendar.timezone.local", "/");

If it is there all those disabled fields exist. Once thunderbid was started with that line removing the line and restarting did not help, onyl an fresh install without that line brought the behaviour back to normal.

Wonder how i can force the calender timezone for existing users without these nasty sideeffects.



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